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Volunteers In Patrol (VIP)

The Walnut Hill Homeowners’ Association participates in the Dallas Police Department  Volunteers In Patrol program. This is a non-confrontational neighborhood program designed to reduce crime through cooperation between citizens of Dallas and the police department.

  • WHHA residents volunteer their time and drive their own vehicles while patrolling our neighborhood. This takes approximately 1½ to 2 hours per patrol. You are asked to patrol a minimum of six patrols per year.
  • WHHA volunteers receive a half day training provided by DPD on recognizing suspicious activity and how to report it.
  • Allows our residents to take an active role in crime prevention by becoming the eyes and ears for DPD.
  • VIP members participate in a monthly meeting with the Dallas Police to be informed on crime statistics and issue on our neighborhood.

Come be a part of the team. This is a great way to meet neighbors and help make our neighborhood a more desirable place to live and raise your family.

Minutes from the latest VIP Meeting can be found here:  VIP 2024 November Minutes FINAL 12-6-2024

For more information, please click on the link below. Scroll down for the VIP forms to complete.

Enhanced Neighborhood Patrol (ENP)

Enhanced Neighborhood Patrol (ENP) is a program coordinated through the Dallas Police Department employing off-duty police officers to patrol our neighborhood. Enhanced Neighborhood Patrol allows the Walnut Hill Homeowners’ Association to hire the Dallas Police Department for dedicated, extra patrols exclusive to our neighborhood. Our officers are experts on our neighborhood, able to quickly recognize suspicious activity. Our officers will also respond instantly to 9-1-1 calls and home burglary alarms in WHHA area during these dedicated, extra patrol hours. With the data terminal in the patrol car, they can check for warrants on suspicious people and check to see if vehicles are stolen.

Prior VIP Meeting Minutes