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Association By-Laws


of the

Walnut Hill Homeowners Association


Section 1.01: NAME.  The name of this organization shall be the Walnut Hill Homeowners Association, hereafter referred to as the “Association” or “WHHA”. It shall be organized as a voluntary association of homeowners.

Section 1.02: PURPOSE.  The Bylaws shall govern the Association and its members and facilitate the fulfillment of the purposes.
A) To promote a desirable neighborhood environment, preserve the existing single family residential character of the association neighborhood, and to take action on common problems affecting any substantial portion of the neighborhood.
B) To support a desirable master plan for the city of Dallas, especially as it shall affect the association neighborhood.
C) To provide a forum for discussion on matters pertaining to the association’s objectives.
D) To communicate by letter, petition, telephone, in person or by any other suitable means with members of the City Council, City Planning Commission, City Planning Department and other such bodies as may be appropriate, to appear before such bodies to make known and to implement the association’s objectives and wishes.
E) To join other groups and individuals to accomplish the association’s objectives.
F) It shall be non-partisan and non-political.


Section 2.01: ELIGIBILITY FOR MEMBERSHIP.  Any adult resident of or owner of property in, the neighborhood, within the boundaries of Royal Lane, on the north, Midway Road on the east, Walnut Hill Lane on the south and Marsh Lane on the west, in the city of Dallas, Texas, is eligible for Membership in the Association upon full payment of the annual dues, and completion of an Application for Membership form. Membership must be renewed annually during the association fiscal year, paid one per household.

Section 2.02: HONORARY MEMBERSHIP.  Any person may acquire Honorary Membership in the Association, with approval of the Board of Directors. Honorary Membership entitles the member to a copy of each newsletter distribution and is exempt from paying yearly dues.

Section 2.03: ANNUAL DUES.  The amount required for annual dues shall be determined by the Board of Directors each year. Full payment of the annual dues will entitle the Resident or Property Owner to full membership privileges for one year.

Section 2.04: VOTING RIGHTS.  Each member in good standing and in attendance at a meeting of the Association members shall be entitled to one vote, but not to exceed two per household.

Section 2.05: TERMINATION OF MEMBERSHIP.  The Board may declare that an owner is not a member in good standing because such member has not paid required dues or has otherwise acted in a manner violating these bylaws. The Board may temporarily suspend the voting rights of any member who is not in good standing until such dues are paid.


Section 3.01: OFFICERS.  The Association shall have the following officers:

  1. President
  2. First Vice-President
  3. Second Vice-President
  4. Crime Watch VP
  5. Treasurer
  6. Secretary

Section 3.02: BOARD MEMBERS.  The following positions are Board Members.  They do not run the business of the association.  They sit on the board with special duties connected to the business of the Association and are appointed by the president with the approval of the officers.

  1. Parliamentarian/Historian
  2. Volunteers in Patrol Alternate Chair
  3. ENP Coordinator
  4. Board Member
  5. Board Member
  6. Public Relations

Section 3.03: ENHANCED NEIGHBORHOOD PATROL COORDINATOR.  This position is filled by our Dallas Police department Officer who is the coordinator for the WHHA Enhanced Neighborhood Patrol.

  1. Enhanced Neighborhood Patrol Coordinator

Section 3.04: ELECTION OF OFFICERS.  The Officers shall be elected by a majority vote at the annual meeting of the full membership.

Section 3.05: TERMS OF OFFICE.  The Officers shall serve a two-fiscal year term, or until their successors are elected, and with no limitations, on future terms.

Section 3.06: DUTIES.  The duties of the Officers are as follows:

  1. The President shall be the principal executive officer of the Association and shall preside over all Board and general meetings, represent the Association on public occasions, and make such committee appointments from the membership as shall be deemed advisable for the effective conduct of the work of the Association, will be ex-officio member of all committees, communicate with the members through the newsletter, or any other means deemed appropriate.
  2. The First Vice-President shall assist the President as the president requests, and represent the Association on appropriate occasions. The First Vice-President shall also, in the absence or disability of the President, perform the duties and exercise the powers of the President of the Association.
  3. Second Vice-President: Shall chair the Membership Committee and oversee committee responsibilities, shall develop strategies and activities to encourage residents to become association members, and maintain a list of all residents in the Association area. The Second Vice-President shall also, in the absence or disability of the President or the First Vice-President perform the duties and exercises the powers of the President of the Association.
  4. The Treasurer shall collect, safeguard, disburse and make periodic reports of all funds collected in the name of the Association.
  5. The Secretary shall keep attendance records and record the proceedings of all meetings, maintain adequate records of the Association activities, and conduct such official correspondence as shall be needed.
  6. Crime Watch Vice-President: Shall serve as coordinator of the Crime Watch Section Leaders, plan Crime Watch meetings and other activities to educate and inform association members, and coordinate communication with Association members about crime and safety in the neighborhood.

The duties of the officers shall not be limited as enumerated above, but they may discharge in addition such duties as are assigned by the Association membership.

The President, with approval of the Board of Directors shall have any power or authority to bind the Association by any contract or engagement, to pledge its credit, or to render if liable pecuniary for any purpose or in any amount.

Section 3.07: VACANCIES AND REMOVAL FROM OFFICE. Any Officer may be removed by a majority vote of the Board of Directors (excluding the officer to be removed). Upon the death, removal, resignation, or incapacity of an Officer of the Association, a majority of the Board of Directors shall elect a successor.


Section 4.01: PLACE OF MEETINGS.  Meetings of the Members shall be held at any other place the President or a majority of the Board of Directors may from time to time select.

Section 4.02: ANNUAL MEETING.  An annual meeting of the members shall be held in the month of October of each year, if possible. At such meeting, the Members shall elect the Officers of the Association, receive reports on the affairs of the Association, and transact any other business which is within the power of the Members.

Section 4.03: SPECIAL MEETINGS.  Special meetings of the members may be called by the President, by a majority of the Officers, or by five percent (5%) or more of the Members entitled to vote.

Section 4.04: NOTICE OF MEETINGS.  A written notice of each meeting stating the place, day, and hour of the meeting, shall be given by the Secretary of the Association, or by the person authorized to call the meeting, to each Member of record entitled to vote at the meeting. This notice shall be given at least seven (7) days before the date named for the meeting, with the exception of Special Meetings for which, once a firm date, time and place has been publicized to all members, no further notice shall be required.

Section 4.05: QUORUM.  The members present at any properly announced meeting shall constitute a quorum at such meeting.

Article V. VOTING

Section 5.01: VOTING.  All issues shall be decided by a majority vote of members, who are in good standing, and are present at the meeting.


Section 6.01: AUTHORIZATION TO ESTABLISH COMMITTEES.  The Association may establish committees as deemed necessary to pursue its stated objectives. Members of the Committees shall be appointed by the President.


Section 7.01: EXPENDITURES.  Expenditures of funds amounting to over One Thousand Dollars ($1000) of non-budgeted items in any month must be approved by a majority vote of the Board of Directors present at any properly announced meeting of the Board. Printing of the neighborhood newsletter, neighborhood informational notices and the neighborhood directory, ENP payroll, and the City of Dallas Police Dept. bill for car usage, are exempted by this rule.

Section 7.02: FINANCIAL REPORTS.  Quarterly and Annual Financial Reports shall be prepared by the Treasurer and presented to the Members in a timely manner.

Section 7.03: FISCAL YEAR.  The fiscal year of the Association shall begin on January 1st and end on December 31st of every year.

Section 7.04: COMPENSATION.  No officer or member serving on a committee of the Association shall receive compensation for any service he or she may render to the Association. However, any such person may be reimbursed for his or her approved actual expenses incurred in the performance of such service for or on behalf of the Association.


Section 8.01: PROCEDURE.  Proposed amendments to these bylaws shall be amended by a two-thirds majority vote of the members in good standing present at a meeting provided at least seven days written notice of the proposed change is given to the members.


Section 9.01: VOTING.  Acceptance of these Bylaws shall be by a two-thirds majority vote of those Board members present at any regular meeting of the Association, provided written copies of the Bylaws and written notice of the meeting is given to all Members at least seven days prior to the meeting.


Section 10.01: NON-COMPLIANCE PENALTIES.  Non-compliance with the Bylaws of the Association may result in termination of membership for the offender, upon a two-thirds majority vote by the membership of the Association. Under no circumstance will noncompliance with any section of these Bylaws constitute forfeiture of the rights of the Association to exist or to enforce the Bylaws of the Association.

Adopted in Dallas, Texas, this date  May 18, 2012.

Updated January 29, 2015.